Reduce your DevOps workload to zero

Discover how ScaleDynamics reduces DevOps Infrastructure workload and training time to zero.

DevOps workload

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A unified solution to reduce the workload and DevOps training required for a containerized web application

Reduce the workload of your devOps engineers

Setting up a DevOps system involves a number of important actions. Unfortunately, the time DevOps engineers spend on infrastructure (provisioning, deployment, cloud selection and management, etc.) inevitably reduces the time spent on product development and improvement (automation, CI/CD, data analysis, etc.).

When a company invests DevOps human resources in one or more cloud providers, it is investing in the cloud provider, not in its own product. At ScaleDynamics, we believe that this situation needs to change, and as quickly as possible, for the benefit of companies.

Bring flexibility and speed to your roadmap, freeing your DevOps staff from recurring and cumbersome cloud-related tasks, so that they can focus on your product and your backlog. ScaleDynamics also guarantees you stability over time: as your service grows, infrastructure management and training requirements will increase, but the ScaleDynamics platform enables you to flatten this curve for DevOps time and workload.

>>> DevOps savings 400k€/year: for a team of 6 people in DevOps, we go down to 5 people handed over to pure development on the product.

Reduce DevOps workloads

Save on cloud provider training

Even more so than other professions, the devOps engineer needs to be a real Swiss Army knife, which doesn't make recruitment or training any easier. However, DevOps training can be very costly, and needs to be repeated depending on the Cloud provider.

If in-house training is not possible, this means recruiting or bringing in external skills from digital service companies (DSCs).

ScaleDynamics provides a platform that works with all Cloud providers, and requires no training on any provider. You can create staging, pre-prod or production environments, provision your ready-to-use resources in a few clicks, and your engineers deploy immediately with one command line.

You have the freedom to modify, roll back, change geographical regions and reduce overcapacity with maximum simplicity.

With ScaleDynamics, your team is equipped, ready to focus on the customer features to be developed. You can refocus your team's training on improving your product, not on cloud providers.

Reduce time and budget for DevOps cloud provider training

Time to reallocate to your product

By saving recruitment time, training time and expertise time, ScaleDynamics allows you to reallocate this time saved on your product to improve your growth with better performing products.

The ScaleDynamics platform gives you the means to adapt quickly and accurate metrics, so you can finally make fact-based decisions and act immediately with just a few clicks. It offers a complete view of your application's performance, the cost of your cloud resources microservice by microservice, and the CO2 consumption of your cloud activity.

ScaleDynamics supports you throughout your growth, enabling you to stabilize downwards the cost and time allocated to our containerized infrastructure. With ScaleDynamics, companies reduce their devops workload and can manage up to 10 times more cloud activity - an unbeatable combination for their competitiveness.

ScaleDynamics metrics

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